
Mental Health Wellness

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Eastern College has partnered with StudyInsured™ to offer the Stay Healthy at School program to all students.

Call their Mental Wellness Phone Line anytime (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to connect with a counsellor for free, private and confidential support and guidance. Your consultations will not be reported to insurance companies, the school administration, or your parents/next of kin.

Video chat and in-person counselling may also be available.



  1. Dial 1-833-646-1524.
  2. Select 1 for English or 2 for French. Once connected, you can request for another language (more than 180 languages available).


You can also download the free iConnectYou app from Google Play or the App Store to:

  • book appointments
  • use self-help tools and other resources
  • call the phone line directly

Career Quiz

Take a quick and easy quiz to find out more about yourself, your goals, and identify your strengths and social style. This quiz gives you suggestions for what career areas you might consider based on your likes and preferences. Give it a try now!