I Feel Ready for This New Chapter of My Life
January 12th, 2021
My name is Samantha Savoie and this is my success story:
I recently graduated from Eastern College’s Online Medical Office Assistant Program.

Medical Office Assistants help keep doctor offices running smoothly by completing various administrative tasks.
At the age of sixteen, I dropped out of high school and started working at a clothing store. I worked several places after, when one day I realized I wanted more, I wanted a career, and most importantly, I wanted a secure job. Nine years later, after many obstacles, I finally had my high school diploma in my hands, and I was ready to continue my education. Fast forward two years later, and I am now a proud graduate with a post-secondary diploma in a field that I love. The medical field has always fascinated me, and I love everything that is office-related so this program is the perfect combination of both!
Thanks to Eastern College, I now have all the qualifications to work in a health care environment, which is where I always wanted to work. I am also very excited to say that I have obtained a job in a hospital before graduating. I truly believe this College has helped me so much with achieving what I have achieved while being a student here. I feel ready for this new chapter of my life thanks to them. Even with my program being delivered online they really helped me out with job searching and applying and interviewing for jobs in my field which made the whole process so much easier.
I recommend Eastern College Online as it is a great place to further your education. They are a group of people who are there to help you succeed in every aspect of your program. Online courses give you the flexibility to do your studying on your own time while having all the support you need to strive. Thank you, Eastern College, and I would like to say a big thank you to our online facilitators!
Check out our Medial Office Assistant (Online) program page to learn more about flexible learning at home at your own pace. You can learn more about the Medical Administrative Specialist program by visiting our program page.